Getting the Hang of Things!
Hi! In a weird place emotionally writing this entry. I'm having a lot of fun making updates to this site and learning new things. I'm also feeling really insecure about my income from 2023, since I'm being made to look at numbers for tax season. The months I lost from my wrist injuries didn't help. Feel like it's time for me to progress in my art career, but I'm not exactly sure how yet.
Let's look at the positives. I'm building skills every day I work on this site. My wrists are 100% improving from consistently following my physiotherapist's instructions. Clever Girls' coming soon page has had a very good reception so far. I'm not stuck in bed stewing in my anxiety like I would have been in the past. Slow improvements. Keep trying and hope for the best.
Spent a lot of time cleaning up my code and making some template sheets with comments to speed up my process and make things easier to return to later.
Coding Stuff
Started thinking a little more about accessibility. I went back through these entries and made all my link titles make sense out of context (instead of titles like "link here"), and stopped external links from automatically opening in new tabs. I figure it should be an option, not mandatory (have to go back and change all my other pages though...). I also adjusted the line height for text. Planning to do a toggle-able dark version of every part of the site too at some point. I don't know if my site will ever be fully compliant, but skimming through this Accessibility tool audit page to see examples of bad practice was helpful!
I'm having a lot of fun making elements animate- I'm really happy with how these sections expand! It took so much reworking. I eventually found this article titled "Transitioning to Height Auto (Two Ways)", a JavaScript-free solution for <details> opening animations when the contents vary (like these entries). Planning on animating all my <details> elements when I get a chance! Also pretty damn pleased with using this guide to making a seamless responsive photo grid for my galleries.
I was dejected for a bit when I first tried mass-uploading artwork and I hit the 50GB file limit before I was even done uploading. I ended up using Squoosh to resize/convert nearly every image and went from well over 50GB to 105MB. I had to do it one by one- there are automated solutions, but depending on the art style different settings best retained image quality and it worked out. I know I can link externally from something like dropbox, but I'd have to change so many links! D: